The development of professional skills for individuals and companies is concretely based on an effective and continuous process of tailored training and updating.
For this reason, our training courses, seminars, or webinars are not predefined in a catalog but designed on-demand, customized to the organization's needs, while maintaining a cost level that is sustainable and proportionate to the services provided.
We design both basic and advanced courses, depending on the company's requirements, in the following topics:
- Quality management systems;
- Regulation (EU) 2017/745;
- Supplier qualification;
- Risk management;
- Requirements for economic operators;
- Structure and management of technical documentation;
- Clinical data and clinical investigations;
- Common Specifications;
- The clinical evaluation process;
- Post-market surveillance activities.
Although we prefer conducting activities in person, we understand that certain situations, such as distance and time, may require a different approach. We are equipped with technology and experience to conduct remote training as well.
All training courses include effectiveness assessment, individual partecipant evaluation, and a certificate of attendance.
Why FTR ADVISOR? Because training has always been our passion, and we always add a touch of practical experience to make often theoretical concepts more tangible.
Are you looking for an experienced and reliable CRO for medical device consulting?
We design and manage all phases of the clinical investigation through our team of highly qualified professionals.